Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to you.  My name is Josephine Cirino and the name of my company is Alfonso Joseph Mystical Visions located in Milan, Italy, and I am a CRIMINAL AURA ANALYST & CANDLE OIL PIANT DESIGNER”.   May I briefly explain to you, what my business is about and what I can do for the “Criminal field” that concerns murders, killings and robberies. 

My company works with just one instrument:  The Candle.  The candle is an exclusive and extraordinary artistic “writing instrument” and can be the legal weapon” of the 3rd century.  The innovative invention is marrying art with the law field. 


How can a candle instrument help the law?  or How can a candle weapon assist the Law of Justice?”

The “candle instrument” becomes a “weapon” and is the solution to investigate criminal outcomes for any legal office.   When the candles have completed it’s evolution, the candle reveals visible evidence that is needed for the law.  
The candle instrument will be used as the “weapon” to uncover killings, murders, robberies and anything else that is needed for the law.  This will become legal evidence as to who did what, and will give the lead to the legal officer. 

What is a Criminal Aura Candle Analyst?  The abstracted aura art is carefully analyzed  in every detail and a "Criminal Candle Revelation Investigation report" is written to document the evidence that will demonstrate the outcome for any criminal law that will incriminate the criminal for any courtroom, lawyer and judge.

The  "aura" is an energy field that surrounds the human body, and can also be defined as a medical term the "map" of the human body.  The aura's strength and property is determined by the amount and quality of energy that flows through it.  It carries all information of what and who we are, and what goes on in one's universal field.  The "aura" carries the invisible information of the human body, such as:  Health, emotional state, thought process, psychological patterns exhibited, behavior, spiritual nature of the soul.  The aura carries all information of a person's life and walks hand-in-hand with the person's name.  The examples shown on this page, are realistic criminal outcomes and outlines the profiles of the living individuals and deceased.   




The candle is an exclusive and extraordinary artistic “writing instrument” and with the mixture of colorful “oil paint” used for canvas, this type of art is a never-ending mystical visionary artistic design.   Blending the two oil mixtures, it brings out the vibrant colors and mystifies the technical evolution in hiding the oil paint, which makes the candle oil to stand out more.

She's a worldwide singer, mother & known for her Italian background.  

The Egyptian's hidden left side, kept blocking her foot.

The business phone call.

The Italian dance company made it to FAME.

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